Mobile Legends is Teasing Time-Traveling Character Natan

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Unless it's shut down, no MOBA is ever through adding new heroes. Even floundering title Heroes of the Storm got one seven months ago. Mobile Legends, on the other hand, is thriving, and that means more characters are yet to come. The next? It's probably Natan.

Mobile Legends Natan Release Date

Mobile Legends' numerous social media channels have all begun to talk about a new puzzle event. Sharing a photo of two identical silhouettes between the word "Emitime" and mentioning a character coming "from future", we don't even need any more clues to know what's going on.

Regardless of the story that plays out, the end result is clear: Natan is coming to Mobile Legends in the West very soon.

As the messages say, over the course of the next four days (So Jul.1-5) the "mysterious" character will hide clues about the future in a puzzle event.

Once that's over, Natan will probably launch as a playable character.

Who is Natan in Mobile Legends?

So who is Natan, anyway? Natan is a "Spacetime Walker" who has come from the very end of his timeline to save the Land of Dawn from the Abyss. He's already available in the Asian version of Mobile Legends.

This magic-damage marksman has a positionable AoE that pops after a short time, a CC ability that pushes back targets in a line and pulls them toward its final location, and an ult that creates a mirror image.

Confusingly, his mirror image moves in the opposite direction of himself and copies his attacks with reversed effects. He can also trade places with the clone by stepping into the resulting wormhole.

As for a passive, Natan's attack speed increases by 15% for each target hit with a skill up to a maximum of 90%. These stacking buffs fall off after five seconds.

He looks strong, but a little bit hard to use.

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