Diablo Immortal's Closed Alpha Has Begun

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Blizzard Entertainment has announced the second alpha test for their upcoming mobile game, Diablo Immortal.

Starting today, April 22, the Diablo Immortal servers will be open to a limited amount of Android users in Australia.

Players from other regions will have to wait a bit longer before they are able to get their hands on the game. A blog post today explains that this closed alpha test is a way to test server stability while slowly introducing new game mechanics, hence why a smaller region like Australia gets first access to it.

This alpha will expand on what was tested during the first and raise the level cap from 45 to 55, as well as, introducing a new class and end game systems.

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New Class

In this test, players will get to play the crusader class for the first time. The Crusader joins the game alongside the Barbarian, Demon Hunter, Monk, and Wizard. We can expect to see the Necromancer coming in a future test.

New Zones & Dungeon

Ascend Mount Zavain, home of the Monks, and then explore the snowy wastelands of the Frozen Tundra, where The Cavern of Echoes dungeon is located. Players may form a party of 4 to take down a frozen terror who is using the power of the Iceburn Tear.

The Cycle of Strife

The Cycle of Strife is a new faction-based PvP mode that pits two factions against each other as they fight to claim the Eternal Crown. All players will start out as Adventurers and have the option to progress to the Immortals or join the Shadows.

Find out more information about the Cycle of Strife in today's blog post.


Before players can attempt the Cycle of Strife they must battle it out in 8 vs. 8 PvP combat.

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The Helliquary is an endgame boss battle mode where each month players can fight difficult monsters solo or with a group, and are rewarded with powerful player upgrades.

Diablo Immortal Lead Designer, Whyatt Cheng spoke more about the end game systems in a video that accompanied the blog post.

The alpha does not yet have an end date but it has been confirmed it will run longer than the first test. The technical alpha lasted 2 and a half weeks.

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