Best Modern Warfare 2 shotgun 2022

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Image showing Modern Warfare player holding shotgun
Credit: Activision
December 16, 2022: Season One Reloaded is well underway. We've changed our shotgun tier list to reflect the most recent dose of buffs and nerfs.

With all eyes on Modern Warfare 2, players are on the hunt for the best Modern Warfare 2 shotgun to use in close-range combat. In some titles, shotguns dominate the meta thanks to their incredible damage output while in others, they fall by the wayside as players favour more popular weapons to make an impact during multiplayer matches.

As attention turns to the launch of Modern Warfare 2, the community is patiently waiting for Infinity Ward to share more details on the range of shotguns that are available to use in the full multiplayer build.

With that said, what is the best Modern Warfare 2 shotgun to use? Before we reveal all, be sure to check out our other guide containing the full Modern Warfare 2 guns list.

What is the best Modern Warfare 2 shotgun?

S Tier Expedite 12

So far, the best Modern Warfare 2 shotgun to use is the Expedite 12. The semi-automatic firing mechanic enables players to lay down an unrelenting wave of fire onto the opposition.

If Infinity Ward includes more shotguns in the beta, we will see how it compares to the early frontrunner and update the list with the latest intel.

Modern Warfare 2 shotgun tier list

The full list of shotguns in Modern Warfare 2 hasn't appeared yet, meaning we're unable to rank them based on their performance. If there are shotguns during both beta weekends, we will test all of them and rank them.

Based on the beta, the Expedite 12 is leading the pack and until the full multiplayer build appears, there's a very high chance of it holding its place for the foreseeable future. As with all our tier lists, we will update the best Modern Warfare 2 shotguns regularly so you know which ones are worth using and which ones to avoid.

Image showing Modern Warfare  player reloading 725 shotgun
click to enlarge
Credit: Activision

How many shotguns are in Modern Warfare 2?

A recent Call of Duty blog post reveals Modern Warfare 2 will contain four shotguns when the game launches. This number has a high chance of rising throughout the game cycle thanks to seasonal updates adding new guns to the arsenal.

The only shotgun confirmed is the Expedite 12 but it's not long before players get their hands on the other three in a bid to make an impact in close-quarters combat.

Modern Warfare 2 release date

The campaign early access period for Modern Warfare 2 begins on October 20 while the rest of the game launches on October 28. This period of early access is great for those that want to experience the single-player story without worrying about falling behind the race to reach the top level.

That's everything there is to know about the best Modern Warfare 2 shotgun. Don't forget to check back once the beta begins in order to find the very best one to use. In the meantime, check out our guide showcasing all the Modern Warfare 2 perks making their way to multiplayer.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 page.