GTA 6 Release: Grand Theft Auto 6 Release Date Teased Thanks To City Morgue?

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A new Rockstar project has been teased for the Summer of 2020, many predicting to be GTA 6, thanks to the American hip hop group City Morgue.

The GTA 6 release date is the the talk of the internet at the moment, as it has been 6 years since the last game released in the franchise and we have heard relatively little about a future installment from official sources.

So far, all we have to go off of are a few rumours and community speculation based on Rockstar Games' business activity.

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GTA 6 Set To Release In Summer 2020?

City Morgue teased on their Instagram story that they will be collaborating with Rockstar Games on an unnamed project in the Summer of 2020.

With Bully 2 being cancelled, the only other option that it could be is Max Payne (if it is not actually GTA 6). It's hard to say whether this is simply a teaser to an announcement or the release date of this new project.

It's likely more information will arrive in time, but with this teaser out in the wild, it's hard not to get excited about GTA 6.

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What Does This Mean For Next Generation Consoles?

With this collaboration being dated for the Summer of 2020, it confirms that Rockstar's next project (hopefully GTA 6) will likely arrive on the PlayStation 5 and Project Scarlett. This means that there is a high chance that no other GTA games will appear on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The next set of consoles are scheduled to release holiday of 2020 and it would seem too late in the life span of current consoles to realistically push to old consoles.

However, GTA 5 released on the older generation of consoles (PS3 and Xbox 360) just two months before the current generation launched. Could they do something similar in order to capitalise on audiences that refuse to transition over early on?

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Written ByChris Trout@TheTrout91