Marvel's Wolverine: Who Are The Voice Cast?

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Marvel's Wolverine was quite the surprise at last night's PlayStation Showcase. Alongside a Spider-Man 2 reveal from Insomniac games, we got a brief teaser trailer for this upcoming project too, showing Wolverine bear his claws at an unknown villain.

Since that announcement, Insomniac Games have clarified a few details on what we can expect for Wolverine when it launches. There's not much information right now on Wolverine's voice cast, but here's everything you need to know:

Read More: Is Wolverine Coming To PS4, Xbox Or PC?

Wolverine - Who's Playing Him?

At this time, Insomniac Games has yet to confirm who'll voice Logan/Wolverine in their upcoming game, and we didn't hear any voice lines uttered in the teaser trailer. Despite offering similar details for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 in a recent PlayStation Blog, we'll have to wait longer before finding out.

Wolverine - Likely Candidates

While Wolverine's been famously portrayed by Hugh Jackman in the live-action X-Men films, he stood down from the role after 2017's Logan. Furthermore, despite lending his voice for Wolverine in several video game adaptations, that hasn't happened since 2009's X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

So, who could it be? Chances are, Insomniac could bring in Steve Blum, who's been portraying Logan for nearly two decades. Most recently seen within Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order, we'd place good money on Blum showing up once more.

Wolverine - Other Characters

At this time, no other characters are confirmed to appear in Marvel's Wolverine and given the brief nature of this teaser trailer - no release date was given, either - there's a high chance we won't know for a while. We'll continue updating this page as we learn more.

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