Anthem 2.0 Concept Art Shows Pirates and New Environments

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Anthem, Bioware's entry into the games-as-service model of gaming, had a rough start when it launched in February 2020, but new concept art from the game's "2.0" version shows Bioware hasn't given up on the game.

In a recent set of tweets from Christian Dailey, Bioware Austin's Studio Director, we can see what looks like a brand new faction, their hideout, and some stunning environments.


Bioware Studio Head Reveals New Concept Art For Anthem 2.0

Check out the stunning images below:


It is going well. Hopefully we can spotlight some of the focus areas soon - player autonomy, proper progression (loot/javelin), endgame...and Pirates.... What topics would you like to see?
— Christian Dailey (@ChristianDailey)
July 8, 2020
Lots of good discussion around our Pirate friends and new factions. We want to share more on factions and the part they play in the future. One common question though is "where do the Pirates live?" Here of course .... Happy Friday all.
— Christian Dailey (@ChristianDailey)
July 17, 2020
Is this less blurry?
— Christian Dailey (@ChristianDailey)
July 24, 2020
Blog is done and off for approvals. No timing, but I hope in the next few weeks. Thanks again for the awesome response and feedback to everything you are seeing (good and bad). It really means a lot to the team. Have a great weekend all. oh...and this.
— Christian Dailey (@ChristianDailey)
July 25, 2020

The possibility of a hefty blog post detailing where the game is at as Bioware looks to fix one of their most disappointing titles is great for fans of Anthem, and they definitely exist.

The Anthem subreddit is full of players that just want reasons to log into the game. We can't blame them, really - for all its faults, flying around in an Iron Man-inspired suit unleashing missiles at baddies and monsters alike was a blast.

Originally revealed in a Kotaku report late last year, Bioware is planning a complete overhaul of Anthem which is being handled by Bioware Austin while the Edmonton office works on Dragon Age 4. In a blog post in May, Dailey explained that the game is in the incubation stage.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Anthem and Gaming News page.