Hellblade 2 Actress Melina Juergens and Character Animators Train for Battle

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For fans looking for the latest behind-the-scenes info on Senua's Saga: Hellblade II, the Twitter account of Melina Juergens, the actress who plays Senua, is the best place to look.

A lot of Melina's content shows off hair, makeup, and wardrobe tests for Senua.

She also posts clips of her motion-capture work, including her two-year battle training regimen.

Extra Real and Brutal Combat

Hellblade 2 Senua
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Ninja Theory's Chief Creative, Tameem Antoniades, explained a bit about Melina's training during the Xbox Games Showcase Extended a few weeks ago.

He explained that Ninja Theory wanted to do something special to make Hellblade 2 extra real and brutal, "making our lives as difficult as possible in that pursuit."

Not only did Melina Juergens have to undergo an intensive training period over the course of the past two years, but every animator working on Senua's Saga: Hellblade II also received some training.

With so much work being done behind the scenes for the game, it is amazing that the game has not actually entered full production yet.

Senua's Next Chapter

Hellblade II Senua
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There are still very few details on the story of Senua's Saga: Hellblade II, though from the brief glimpse fans have gotten it looks like Senua is preparing for war against the Northmen.

While Melina's Twitter account has been giving fans glimpses here and there, Hellblade fans are eager for more information, and Ninja Theory has been slow with the updates.

There is no telling whether the game will be a 2022 title or if players will have to wait until 2023 to continue Senua's story.

At this point it looks pretty certain that Senua's Saga: Hellblade II will not be a 2021 release.

READ MORE: Hellblade 2: What is the Next Story Senua Wishes to Tell?

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