Biomutant Level 2 Crowbar: How to Upgrade the Klawbar

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Biomutant throws you into a post-apocalyptic world filled with ruins to explore and enemies to fight. You'll have a variety of tools at your disposal, including a crowbar you can use to open doors and crates. There are actually multiple levels that you can upgrade the crowbar too, and you'll need to do so to open certain locks. To help you upgrade the Klawbar we've put together this Biomutant Crowbar Upgrade guide. We'll show you how to upgrade the crowbar to level 2 and what you can open.

Read More: Biomutant Review

Biomutant Level 2 Crowbar: How to Upgrade the Klawbar

While exploring the world of Biomutant you may come across some doors that are extra strong. These need a level 2 crowbar to unlock, which can only be unlocked by visiting a character called Pebble. You can find them at the location shown on the map below:

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If you find a level 2 lock, Pebble will be added to your map as part of a sidequest. You will need to climb three vantage points to get an upgrade.

Pebble's Reward

After upgrading the Klawbar from Pebble you will be given an additional quest involving ziplines. Complete the three ziplines and you'll be led up the hill behind Pebble to a reward. It's a new bat mount called the Batnam-Nam. It's essentially a mount that can glide. Very useful for exploration.

That's all you need to know about upgrading the crowbar in Biomutant. For more help with the game check out our guide on Upgrading Resistances. Elsewhere there's our breakdown of beating the Porky Puff boss.