Scavengers Season 0: The First Frontier Launches This Week, Bringing In A New PvE Mode

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Scavengers has slowly shaped up since launching in early access last April. Offering up a PvPvE shooter from Midwinter Entertainment, Scavengers sees players scavenge supplies whilst battling others to survive. Now, Midwinter's confirmed Season 0: The First Frontier launches later this week.

Following on from their first public ScavLab event in May, Season 0 goes live from July 23rd until September 6th. Lasting for 45 days, players can obtain a free Battle Pass from the shop until August 3rd, after which it'll be available to purchase. Crucially, we're getting a PvE Horde mode too, where teams of three fight off enemy waves to protect two data uplinks.

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Scavengers Season 0 Launches This Week, Bringing In A New PvE Mode

Speaking within a press release, Midwinter offered the following outline on what to expect:

With the Battle Pass, players will be able to earn fun new First Frontier cosmetic items, including a First Frontier Cruz skin, weapon skins, banners, and emblems, as well as Chips and Research resources. Explorers will be able to claim the first reward - the Cazador First Frontier weapon skin - immediately after unlocking the Battle Pass. Players can also look forward to more items being added to the Battle Pass through the weeks.
Furthermore, Midwinter has developed for the first time a full new mode in addition to the core game mode, the community requested PvE Horde mode. In this new mode, teams of three Explorers fight off waves of AI enemies to protect 2 data uplinks. As soon as they have gathered enough data, Mother calls down a new feature: the R.A.S.P.! Teams can use the R.A.S.P. for a quick extraction back to the Sanctuary.

As part of the upcoming changes, Midwinter also announced that R.A.S.P. will be added to the main Expedition mode during Season 0, saying this offers explorer’s "a strategic mid-game extraction". It all sounds quite promising for Scavengers fans, and we'll keep you informed as we learn more.

For more on Scavengers, be sure to check out our interview with Midwinter co-founder Josh Holmes.

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