Hyper Scape: How To Get Twitch Drops To Access The Beta

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Hyper Scape, Ubisoft's entry into the Battle Royale genre, is here - or at least it's in beta.

You'll want to watch Twitch streams of players enjoying the game to get yourself access, and it's easier than you might think.

Here's how to do it.

How To Get Into The Hyper Scape Beta

Ubisoft is taking a similar approach to Riot's FPS title Valorant regarding their closed beta.

Players will need to watch Twitch streams of Hyper Scape with drops enabled in order to qualify for the chance of a loot drop on Twitch. You'll need to be logged in to your Twitch account, so be sure to sign up if you haven't already.

Hyper Scape
click to enlarge

Courtesy of Ubisoft.

Remember that Twitch lets you filter by streams that have drops enabled, so you shouldn't take too long to find one. We've heard of people getting a code within fifteen minutes, so good luck!

You can check the Hyper Scape Twitch page here.