Modern Warfare 2 nuke - How to earn the MGB

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Modern Warfare 2 nuke explosion
Credit: Activision
April 26, 2023: Season Three is in full swing and the nuke remains the highest streak you can earn. Find out how to get one using our guide.

The topic of the Modern Warfare 2 nuke is on the minds of players preparing to drop into Infinity Ward's latest dose of multiplayer action. 2009's Modern Warfare 2 introduced the Tactical Nuke as the highest killstreak available to earn and with the release of 2022's Modern Warfare 2 finally here, many are wondering if Infinity Ward has included it.

The old Tactical Nuke required players to score a total of 25 kills in a row and as players continue to dominate matches, the unlock process in MW2 2022 is known. Ahead of Season 3 Reloaded, many are still trying to unlock the coveted streak.

Before we take a closer look, check out our guides showcasing the best Modern Warfare 2 guns and the Modern Warfare 2 maps available in multiplayer.

Is the Tactical Nuke in Modern Warfare 2 2022?

Although it's not called the Tactical Nuke, there is a nuke killstreak in Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer. Known as the MGB (Mass Guided Bomb) the missile causes a huge explosion, bringing the game to an early and explosive ending.

Unlike the old Tactical Nuke, it appears there's no way to select the MGB in the killstreak menu. We'll update the guide with the latest intel once we earn an MGB for ourselves.

How to unlock Modern Warfare 2 MGB killstreak

The exact unlock method for the MGB remains a mystery but we can guess how to get your hands on the game-ending killstreak. Assuming it takes inspiration from the Tactical Nuke, players need to score 25 kills without dying. One lucky user that's managed to access multiplayer early has called one in.

A ten-second countdown clock appears at the top of the screen before the missile turns the map into a burning pile of rubble. Shortly afterwards, the endgame scoreboard appears. It may take some camping to earn the MGB but it's certainly worth it.

To obtain the MGB, score a 30 killstreak using a weapon. Kills scored with other streaks don't count towards the total.

Is the MGB good in Modern Warfare 2?

Considering this particular killstreak has the potential to end the match, the MGB is arguably the best killstreak to use in Modern Warfare 2. It may take a while to earn over the course of the match but it has the power to guarantee a victory for your team.

That's everything there is to know about the Modern Warfare 2 Tactical Nuke killstreak arriving to Infinity Ward's latest release. For more, check out our guides showcasing the best Modern Warfare 2 SMG and the latest intel on Modern Warfare 2 double XP events.

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