Hogwarts Legacy spells list - All spells you can cast

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Two characters are fighting in Hogwarts Legacy.
April 7, 2023: We've collected all the spells that you can use in Hogwarts Legacy.

Exciting fights against dangerous magical beasts and powerful villains are the most interesting part of the Harry Potter movies. Of course, many Harry Potter fans expect to see a detailed and complex battle system in Hogwarts Legacy. Even though it is pretty hard to predict whether their dreams will come true, there is a Hogwarts Legacy spells list that can tell you a lot about combat in the game.

By reading this guide, you will learn about this list and all spells you can cast playing Hogwarts Legacy. We already know plenty about the kind of spells you can cast.

While you are still here, make sure to check our list of how big is Hogwarts Legacy's map. Also, we have a guide on how to choose house in the game.

A witch casting a spell in front of a fiery backdrop in Hogwarts Legacy.
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Which spells are in Hogwarts Legacy?

The current Hogwarts Legacy spells list is likely to be expanded. In this article, we include only spells shown during trailers or we've found in gameplay.

Also, most of the attacks shown in this guide will not be available once you are at the beginning game’s stages. You'll need to attend all necessary subjects and play the game more to unlock more spells in Hogwarts Legacy. Below is a table with all spells you can cast in Hogwarts Legacy revealed so far.

Name Type of Spell Effect
Arresto MomentumControlslows enemies down
GlaciusControlfreezes enemies
Levioso Controllevitates things
Transformation Controltransforms things
Accio Forcebrings things towards you
Depulso Forcepushes things away
Descendo Forceslams things into the ground
Flipendo Forceflips targets round
Confringo Damage long range bolt
Diffendo Damage slashes
Expelliarmus Damage Disarms enemies and deals damage
Bombarda Damage Damage and launches anything it hits
Incendio Damage Short range fire
Disillusionment Utility semi-invisibility
Lumos Utility lights up your wand
Reparo Utility fix stuff
Wingardium Leviosa Utility levitate and move objects
Beast Petting BrushUtility Pets beast
Beast FeedUtility Feeds beast
Nab-SackUtility Catch beasts in it
Conjuring Transfiguration conjure items in the Room of Requirement
Altering Transfiguration Changes size and colour of things
Evanesco Transfiguration vanishes items in return for moonstone
Avada KedavraUnforgivable Cursekill enemies instantly
Crucio Unforgivable Cursecurses enemy and causes them to writhe in pain
Imperio Unforgivable Cursetemporarily makes the enemy fight for you

That’s it for our Hogwarts Legacy spells list. Learning all of these spells might take a lot of time. So, you should be ready to devote the hours into the game to be effective during combat. While you are still here, make sure to check our guide on whether multiplayer is in Hogwarts Legacy. If you want to know even more, here's how to learn Alohomora spell in Hogwarts Legacy and how to get Gryffindor in Hogwarts Legacy.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Hogwarts Legacy page.