Saints Row 5: Latest News, Leaks And Everything We Know So Far

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Saints Row 5 has long been wanted by fans of the series and now that Deep Silver has confirmed it is in development, we have compiled all the information we know about the game as of right now.

Latest News: June 2021

E3 2021 No Show

Deep Silver has confirmed that fans shouldn't anticipate any E3 reveals at E3 2021. Writing on Twitter the Publisher told fans:

Our parent company @KochMedia_HQ is making an announcement as part of #SummerGamesFest on June 11th. To give you a head’s up, you won’t see Dead Island, Saints Row, Metro or TimeSplitters there (or at any other E3 2021 event). We’ll let you know when we have news to share.

So that's that then. Oh well, roll on Gamescom 2021 later this year.

Koch Media Showcase

May 29, 2021 -The parent company of the series' publisher, Koch Media has announced that it will hold an E3 showcase on June 11, 2021.

Industry Analyst, Mauro NL, has also said that we can expect to see Saints Row 5 here, meaning we are likely to see an official reveal in just a few weeks.

Saints Row 5 Confirmed

Saints Row 5 was officially confirmed by Deep Silver and Volition in 2019, with the team deep in development on the project.


There haven't been too many leaks about Saints Row 5 as of yet.

September 12, 2020

The one "leak" for Saints Row 5 so far has been a deluge of details from 4Chan, so not the best and most reliable source. However, here is what they say:

The game is reportedly a direct sequel to Saints Row 3, which would seem likely as Volition just remastered the game for all platforms.

The plot of the title is about how the Saints became an evil corporate empire and as a new protagonist you can make choices, such as allying with another gang to go against the Saints.

The classic cast returns except for Johnny Gat, who remains dead from the third game. The title is still set in Steelport, but the city has been massively expanded with the countryside and additional islands.

The tone of the title is reportedly trying to strike a balance between Saints Row 1, 2, and 3.

When it comes to gameplay, the game reportedly won't have any superpowers and character customisation will be similar to Saints Row 2, but with new sliders to create anything you want.

Clothing can be worn in multiple ways and penis censorship is now a black bar that swings with movement, rather than just a pixelated area.

Weapon customisation is more flexible, allowing for different scopes, ammo types, and camos. The game will also reportedly have 4-player co-op with difficulty scaling and better physics.

Multiplayer will also be included and is a 32 player free roam gang warfare mode with a variety of activities within the world.


Saints Row 5 is expected to release on most major platforms, including PS5, PS4, Xbox Series S/X, Xbox One, and PC. It might also come to Google Stadia as Deep Silver has been partnering with Google on a number of titles.

Release Date

A leak/rumour from 4Chan last year states that the game is coming out in late 2021 or sometime in 2022.

The COVID-19 pandemic may have delayed this, so we feel like 2022 is a safer bet.


With the game already being in development for multiple years and Volition being quite silent, fans and we reckon it could be revealed sometime this year, maybe at Gamescom Opening Night Live or The Game Awards.