Forspoken To Have The "Highest Quality Visuals" ever for an Open World Game, According To Square Enix

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Square Enix has offered up some more details on its upcoming ambitious RPG Forspoken, revealing that the team is aiming to have the "highest quality visuals" ever seen in an open world game.

Revealed in a new video focused around AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution software which just launched, Square Enix reveal that the game will support the feature.

Within that same video, Luminous Productions' Takeshi Aramaki says that "With Forspoken, we are aiming to achieve the highest quality visuals ever seen in an open world game."

This came alongside some new, albeit brief gameplay of the title, ahead of more information which will be released later this year.

Set to release on PS5 and PC, Forspoken is set to be one of the big releases of 2022 and we are expecting to see more from it at Sony's upcoming showcase this Summer.

The game was announced last year during the PS5 reveal event in June and received some more gameplay at Square Enix Presents in March, along with the unveiling of the full name.

You can keep up to date with everything revealed about Forspoken here.

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