How to start the Yuffie DLC for Final Fantasy 7 Remake Integrade

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PS5 owners will receive not only an enhanced version of the original game but also Yuffie DLC called Episode INTERmission. This is an excellent incentive to purchase the PlayStation 5 and then to purchase the Final Fantasy 7 Remake Integrade. Aside from the new chapters added to the game, the DLC is most definitely the main attraction of the new version.

There are a few steps to actually getting in and playing the DLC, so this guide will be very handy for players.

How to start the Yuffie DLC INTERmission in Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade

Episode INTERmission Yuffie DLC can be accessed via the main menu of Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade after installation. To switch to the Episode Intermission title screen, press the R2 button in the main menu. After that, you can get started on the new Yuffie DLC.

Although players can jump into the DLC as soon as they like, the Yuffie DLC isn't meant to be played before finishing Final Fantasy 7 Remake. A warning will also inform players that they should play the DLC after they have completed the game at least once.

There is, of course, the primary reason to avoid spoilers. The difficulty curve, however, is a secondary factor. Players are treated as though they've already mastered the worst of the game, and there's no assistance offered. The DLC doesn't explain any of the gameplay mechanics or game controls and assumes that you understand them already.

This content is also likely to be more challenging than some of the other late-game content in the main story, so prepare yourself.

The stipulations to the Yuffie DLC are few but strict

Final Fantasy 7 Intergrade includes episode INTERmission free of charge if you purchase it at full price. However, if you upgrade from a PS4 to PS5, then you'll have to purchase Yuffie DLC separately for $20. You would not be eligible for the free upgrade if you claimed the PS4 game for free from PlayStation Plus earlier this year.

If you happen to be in this situation, you'll need to purchase the PS5 version. Fans of the original will be able to take advantage of all the new content and improvements in Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade. Those who want to enjoy the new content as soon as possible should hurry and get the game.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Final Fantasy 7 Remake , Final Fantasy , and Guides pages.